Good morning. Just sitting here after having breakfast and decided to post something instead of watching Olympic morning again. I swear it's going to take me weeks to get the songs from the commercials out of my head. I keep catching myself singing them in public. I want to know what happened to the Bell beavers.
So the past few days have been pretty good. I've been trying to make do with the lame amount of snow we have here but my ski loop is now down to grass. Pole running has been the main cross training activity. Yesterday I got out for a long one at King City trail. Still lots of snow in there. It was fun running around in the forest but some days training alone can kinda suck. Especially with no music. (Keenan if you read this I need my mp3 back)
When I got home and had some dinner and showered my Sister and her boy friend came home all excited about seeing a meteorite. Then they started talking about this big red star that they saw after. That didn't sound normal so they dragged me out to the plaza to see it and at first glance I was like holy crap it's a big red star! But after about 5min of staring at it we walked closer and i noticed that there was a big pole... ya. So they dragged me out to see a light bulb on a pole. Thanks Eisha. Ok I'll admit it fooled me at first to. So that was the story of my night. Pretty exciting I know.
Well it's about time to get ready for today's workout. I have a good endurance day. Not sure a want to do any more pole running but it might be my only option at the moment.
New food of the week, Squid... this should be interesting.
Thanks, you just reminded me to change the playlist on my shuffle.